Monday, December 16, 2013

Does Spelt Contain Gluten?

The $10 million question - does spelt contain gluten? Can those who are intolerant or allergic to gluten eat spelt?

The answer is yes, spelt does contain gluten, and should be avoided by people who are gluten sensitive or have celiac disease.

Spelt is very similar to wheat in appearance, but has a tougher husk than wheat which help protect the nutrients in the spelt. Spelt has more protein than wheat and that protein is much easier to digest. There is also less gluten in spelt flour than regular wheat flour. Therefore SOME people who are allergic to wheat may be able to tolerate spelt. But if you're on a gluten-free diet, spelt is not suitable for you.

Please, if you fall into any of the above-mentioned categories, either avoid spelt altogether, or ask your doctor before trying it.

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